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Prerequisite of connectivity

One should need another for any reason like money, help, business etc may look for a person to connect so it is essential to have a need of any type.

Power of connectivity

if you are a job seeker or a businessman, you know the power of connectivity. If you a leader or a common individual you also know the power because it's already said, "unity is strength"  and where there is unity , there is success. For example - Gathering is invited before a leader come to speech. Connectivity hasn't the other end, you may connect with as many as you can and feel the power.  

Process of connectivity

There are 'n' numbers of options available today to connect your target but you need to find and adapt the best way that you can handle whether it is difficult or easy but it depends on you. Sometime you'll succeed on first attempt but normally you fail again and again but instead of a quiet you should try again to get the work done. People usually do not engage so easily so take care of their likes and dislikes before you start and it will definately help you a lot. For example - If someone like cricket you want to connect, then you must know about history & current of cricket like past and upcoming series, name of best worldwide players that can be the topic of a discussion.  Lastly you can hire a mediator.

PAst connectivity

Our relatives, neighbors and school friends are our past. And we were deeply engaged with these people so they and you know each other very well. Relatives and neighbors are legacy from parents you must protect and maintain by yourself. School friends may be competitive but you should find the way to be connected with them without any cast or level difference like rich or poor. Sometimes it might be happened that you've  missed the connectivity with some of your contacts for a long time ago and currently you are unable to connect them. In this case again you can gather the information by visiting them personally or with a mutual friend with some surprise gift and trust this will again bring you close as earlier. When you connect again then don't start with your any need or purpose for which you returned that will not work if done. Take some time with minimum 3 -4 visits or get together and then start with limitations.  

Present connectivity

You better know the answer who can help you or who you can help him. Don't wait for your chance or any request from other side. Be the initiator always and trust that make other peoples impressed and interested to connect with you and they start first. You need more connectivity with trusted people for your job or business growth. Sometimes untrusted people work with intention to harm  you but unexpectedly it brings you profit. 

Pending connectivity

People worldwide are looking for right people to connect with for any reasons, one may be fruitful for you so search for new peoples using social media or friends of friends, newcomers in society, new colleagues or subordinates in office. No one knows who can help you and whose help you may need at anytime.  

So don't care , think positive and stay connected with everyone you wanted or he/she wanted.